
This is such a versatile disposable smartphone in form of a booklet made of smart material. The whole idea based on this future material  – cheap compacted mix that includes a base (something like cardboard), and the “smart” nanoparticles that can uniting in various combinations to create computing power, microphones, speakers, displays and etc.

Booklet can be various lengths and computational volume. You can detach the sheets and each sheet will be a full-featured smartphone with a 100% visualizing surface and computational power reduced in proportion to the total volume of the booklet.

Usage scenarios:

1. You can buy  various volume of the booklet (or  various power and memory capacity)

2.  Each sheet can contain its own task or program

3. You can share data files, or give part of the booklet to a friend. Assign a function of one sheet (player, memory card, business card, TV, portfolio, etc.) аnd detach it.

4. Material properties can be changed on demand throughout the area or local.  For example – detach a sheet, choose a property of stickiness on the one side and stick it to your ear. Now it’s handsfree. Press on the corner – a sheet will no longer sticky and fell off.

5. Worn booklet can be safely disposed. This material is biodegradable. All information, music, video, photos, an image of your smartphone, stored on a cloud server and is easily installed on the newly acquired blank booklet (which, incidentally should be very cheap).

6. Chat

7. Ebook

8. Map

Assumed that the material is powered by vibration in your pocket or from the sun, and from any source of energy, up to the body heat.

23 thoughts on “Smartphone-booklet

  1. Сколько это стоит? И когда он выходит? Я действительно хочу этого! Это так удивительно!

    1. Janelle, вы шутите? Это же всего лишь фантазия на тему будущего =)

      1. Ну, есть ли способ, что вы можете сделать это … пожалуйста, сделайте это! Я люблю этот дизайн! Это совершенно невероятно! Знаете ли вы, сколько люди будут платить за это?

    1. In fact, it is not just a smartphone. This is a form that can be filled with features you want. However, for ease of marketing, it is divided into blocks of memory / power. You can buy one of this unit – if you have a simple, low-powered device. Or you can buy a pamphlet of these blocks – then you will have a more powerful device which can be divided into several parts. I hope I’m clear?

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